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Loïc Sander

Loïc Sander is a typeface designer, currently serving as a lead program manager at Apple's Fonts and Typography Division.
He has a deep understanding of computer science and software programming, which he applies to his work in font development. Sander shares his knowledge and insights with industry professionals during keynote addresses at the WWDC.
Loïc Sander's skill set encompasses computer science, font development, and stone carving, which greatly influences his approach to design and typeface development. In his role as a lead program manager at Apple's Fonts and Typography Division, Sander plays a crucial role in shaping the digital typographic landscape. Alongside his professional achievements, Loïc's passion for stone carving adds depth to his creative endeavors, providing valuable insights that enhance his innovative and captivating approach to font development. By incorporating the precision and craftsmanship of stone carving into his work, Sander has created visually appealing and harmonious typographic solutions that stand out.

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Useful type with an edge.

Useful type with an edge.

Production Type provide retail as well as dedicated creative services in typeface design for brands.

Based in Paris and Shanghai, Production Type is a digital type design agency. Its activities span from the exclusive online distribution of its retail type for design professionals, to the creation of custom typefaces for the industrial, luxury, and media sectors.
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