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Hugues Gentile

Hugues Gentile is a type designer and font developer. He is an instructor at the EsadType Amiens postgraduate program.
At Production Type, he has developed software for type design and production, and has worked on projects such as Newsreader, an extensive text family optimized for continuous on-screen reading, available for free download at Production Type and on Google Fonts. In 2023, he released Qommodore, his long-awaited take on the Scotch genre.
Notable typefaces

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Useful type with an edge.

Useful type with an edge.

Production Type provide retail as well as dedicated creative services in typeface design for brands.

Based in Paris and Shanghai, Production Type is a digital type design agency. Its activities span from the exclusive online distribution of its retail type for design professionals, to the creation of custom typefaces for the industrial, luxury, and media sectors.
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