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Choose France

“Choose France” chooses Production Type in a vast strategic branding initiative to amplify the country’s worldwide appeal.

France, the world's seventh-largest economy and Europe’s third-largest R&D performer, ranked first in Europe for foreign investment in 2022, for the fourth year running (EY 2022 barometer). Within the framework of the Marque France strategic branding, several communication campaigns launched simultaneously. Production Type designed the France typeface to works as a symbol of the French economic and cultural identity.
The typeface “France” embodies a bold economic narrative, characterized by challenges and opportunities. Despite daunting statistics, including a significant public debt and a decline in industrial jobs, France remains an attractive destination for international investments and tourism, boasting 80 million annual visitors. This juxtaposition of economic hardship and allure forms the basis of the “France” brand and the typeface that embodies it, which mirrors the country's resilience and global appeal.
The “Marque France” initiative lead to the deployment of a strategic branding program, which includes the development of “France” as a typeface. This initiative aims to improve the nation's reputation and economic vitality, focusing on competitiveness, attractiveness, and the renown of its products and craftsmanship. The “France” typeface is a visual representation of these efforts, encapsulating the qualities of innovation, cultural richness, and a commitment to excellence that the nation seeks to project.
“France” works as a symbol of the French economic and cultural identity. It reflects the nation's economic challenges and strategies but also symbolizes its cultural and historical legacy. The typeface serves as a representation of France's enduring appeal, its capacity for innovation, and its commitment to preserving and promoting its cultural and economic identity.

The exclusive font representing France had to reflect the values of attractiveness, modernity and professionalism. Production Type used its know-how for the Government Information Service and created a contemporary and assertive typeface, “France”, to carry the key values of the brand.
  • Client

    French Republic, Government Information Service, 2019.

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Useful type with an edge.

Useful type with an edge.

Production Type provide retail as well as dedicated creative services in typeface design for brands.

Based in Paris and Shanghai, Production Type is a digital type design agency. Its activities span from the exclusive online distribution of its retail type for design professionals, to the creation of custom typefaces for the industrial, luxury, and media sectors.
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