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Words by Michel Wlassikoff

The first catalog of typefaces in Italy, 1628

In Italy’s first catalog of typefaces, Andrea Brogiotti, ‘prefect’ of Vatican typography, expresses gratitude to Cardinal Francesco Barberino, highlights his work on new and inherited typefaces, and showcases a rich repertoire of fonts including Roman, italic, cursive, Greek, Arabic, and Hebrew alphabets.
In Italy’s first catalog of typefaces, Andrea Brogiotti, ‘prefect’ of Vatican typography, expresses gratitude to Cardinal Francesco Barberino, highlights his work on new and inherited typefaces, and showcases a rich repertoire of fonts including Roman, italic, cursive, Greek, Arabic, and Hebrew alphabets.
In the dedication and notice to the reader of the first Italian catalog of typefaces, Andrea Brogiotti expresses his gratitude to Cardinal Francesco Barberino for appointing him to the post of “prefect” of Vatican typography. He recalls his commitment to creating new typefaces alongside the older ones he inherited. Finally, he explains that he would like to present the rich repertoire of fonts from the printing works he directs to all those who would like to use them.
The catalog features beautiful Roman, italic and cursive typefaces by Granjon, Garamond, Arrighi, etc., as well as rare Greek, Arabic, Hebrew and other oriental alphabets.
The Vatican printing works had been supplied with fonts since the mid-16th century by a foundry under the direction of the famous French punchcutter Robert Granjon, who produced italic typefaces, Arabic alphabets and other oriental languages. In 1610, Pope Paul V brought together the Vatican Typography and the “Tipografia Camerale”, another printing works founded by the Roman Curia. For two centuries, the papal presses produced some of the world’s most remarkable printing masterpieces.
Document: Indice de caratteri, con l’inventori, & nomi di essi, esistenti nella Stampa Vaticana, & camerale … (1628). One volume in 8°. 72 specimens printed on recto only.
Ecole Estienne library.

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