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Since 2012, Julien Lelièvre and Jean-Baptiste Levée have initiated numerous collaborations. One as a graphic designer and photographer, the other as a typeface designer. During these collaborations, they invited many of their colleagues, friends, apprentices to come and contribute to their graphic, typographic, and photographic practice.
Since 2012, Julien Lelièvre and Jean-Baptiste Levée have initiated numerous collaborations. One as a graphic designer and photographer, the other as a typeface designer. During these collaborations, they invited many of their colleagues, friends, apprentices to come and contribute to their graphic, typographic, and photographic practice.
Signals Bis presents successful projects, lost tenders, graphic design for associations, self-sponsored new and old typefaces, collaborations at the service of cultural and industrial operators. Typography, design and photography that relate how contemporary design can feed itself from dialogue and exchange, and which proves that design knows how to better and better exceed the terms of the commission.
80,000 km, a lettering workshop with Hélène Marian. During this workshop, typeface designer Hélène Marian, invited by Julien Lelièvre & Jean-Baptiste Levée, introduced post-graduate students from Esad d'Amiens to large-scale lettering and hand-painted, with Europe as their common thread. From Amiens to Jyväskylä, students will build, draw to measure and draw with brushes the names of European cities, creating posters with text as the one and only ingredient, and the brush, dedicated for creating signs as a tool. Their hand-painted posters will be displayed on the ground floor as part of the Signals Bis exhibit.

Signals Bis Julien Lelièvre & Jean-Baptiste Levée — artistes associés
January 14th - March 1st, 2020
Maison de la Culture Amiens, France
The Signal Bis exhibition is an event registered in Lille, Capitale Mondiale du Design.

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Useful type with an edge.

Useful type with an edge.

Production Type provide retail as well as dedicated creative services in typeface design for brands.

Based in Paris and Shanghai, Production Type is a digital type design agency. Its activities span from the exclusive online distribution of its retail type for design professionals, to the creation of custom typefaces for the industrial, luxury, and media sectors.
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