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Words by Michel Wlassikoff

Deberny et Peignot’s “Montaigne”

Montaigne is the old Elzévir Demi-Gras found in the Spécimen Général of Deberny et Peignot from the interwar period. It is a workhorse face that the foundry published in the mid-1930s, and was intended more particularly for the press and advertisements: “And if proof were needed, we only need to examine the “editorial” type announcements which are being made more and more numerous in French newspapers: when it comes to printing a text of several lines intended to be read as much as seen, advertisements more and more often resort to Deberny et Peignot Elzévir Demi-Gras.”
The foundry supports the renewed popularity of this Elzévir by publishing two new sizes, XVI and XVIII, “destined to be followed shortly by XXIV and XXX, as well as a series of initials. It recommends accompanying the use of Montaigne with Mantille’s vignettes and the ornaments of Pierre Roy.
Document: Archives Signes

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